About Mediation

Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party helps those trying to resolve issues between them to find mutually agreeable resolutions. The mediator does not make decisions or recommendations about the outcome. Rather, the mediator assists with communication, understandings, and creative problem solving. The mediator helps people reach agreements, which are written up as a contract or presented to the court.

The mediation process

  • Supports non-adversarial approaches to resolving conflicts
  • Helps both parties understand the issues
  • Develops creative solutions, geared to the specific needs of each person
  • Keeps control in the hands of the parties involved, rather than with outside individuals, agencies or authorities.

What to Expect from Your Mediation with Zena

Zena will meet separately with each person involved in the mediation to get a better understanding of your concerns and perspectives, and to design a process for your particular situation.

You can decide

  • to meet separately or jointly;
  • bring attorneys or other professionals; and
  • what materials will be used in mediation (such as financial records, attorney summaries, etc).

Once mediation begins, Zena will facilitate discussions between those involved and help with ways of resolving issues that work for everyone. These discussions lead to a Memorandum of Agreement, signed by all parties, which could be submitted to court if there is a court case. The process is confidential, so unless all parties agree, conversations and offers made during the mediation process cannot be used in court.

Why don't you give us a call today? Find out how we can help.